This past weekend was a busy one. Amanda had the weekend off so our main goal was to get the remaining items we needed off our registery as well as the rocker for the nursery, then finish the nursery. Shopping was the theme for saturday, Grocery store, Buy Buy Baby, Babies R Us, and Target (twice). This took up most of the day, but still allowed time to nail and caulk the baseboards in the babies room. Also attempted to replace the closet door in the babies room. Let me tell you that hanging doors is not fun! I managed to get it up but will be contracting my cousin to do the remaining 7 in the house. Sunday was dedicated to finishing the nursery. Items to do included painting the base board trim, hanging the blinds, hanging the Valances, cleaning the floors, and finally mving in the furniture! I started with painting the baseboard trim, I had already put two coats of paint on the trim but after nailing and caulking it required one more coat, let me tell you painting trim that is that close to the floor is not fun, 1st I had to tape the wall off so I didnt get paint on the wall, no in order for me to line the tape up right I had to lay on the floor, this sucked! I eventually got it taped off and started painting, this also sucked as it too required me to lay on the floor, but it looks good and its done! Next came the blinds and Valances, this was easy!
New Windows (Naked):

With Blinds:
With Blinds and Valance:
Once the blinds and valances were hung we washed the floor and started moving stuff in!
View to the left from the door:
View to the right from the door:
Changing Table / Dresser: Rocker and Ottoman:
So whats left.... Find a small end table to put the lamp on next to the rocker, find some shelving for the room, hang up the pictures/wall art, paint closet door, OH and wait for the arrival of baby!!!
Awww, I love the nursery. You did a great job.